Day 1
08.00 Registration and refreshments
08.55 Chairman’s opening remarks
Riza Kadilar, Representative, Pramex International
09.00 Keynote: The role of external trade in Turkey’s economic development
Mehmet Habbab, Chairman, Turkish-Lebanese Business Council; Chairman, Delta Petrol; Board Member, Foreign Economic Relations Board of Turkey (DEİK)
• Outlining the government’s strategy for controlling the current account deficit
• What are the trade import and export expectations for 2013?
• Providing an update on the government incentive scheme of April 2012
• What role is this likely to play in stimulating Turkish exports, and which sectors will be impacted most?
09.30 The continuing evolution of Turkish trade
Moderator: Riza Kadilar, Representative, Pramex International
Martin Raiser, Country Director, Turkey, World Bank Group
Cihat Takunyaci, Country Manager & Senior Representative, Turkey, BNY Mellon
Mertol Genc, Board Member & Chief of Business Development, Limak Investments
Emre Aydin, Managing Director, Head of Transaction Services Origination CEE,RBS
• Providing an overview of the shift in the global dynamic: How is this impacting Turkish trade
• How can Turkey take full advantage of growing South-South trade volumes? What is being done at present?
• Is there sufficient liquidity and risk appetite within the Turkish banking sector to support a swing from net importer to exporter?
• How can different members of the trade finance community collaborate to support those Turkish exporters doing business in new markets?
• What are the primary mechanisms being used to finance Turkish trade and exports at present?
10.20 Networking break
11.05 Outlining the changing role of corporate financiers
Moderator: Baris Ayanoglu, Head of Trade Finance, Corporate & Commercial Banking, Yapi ve Kredi Bankasi
Ozgur Demirci, Head of Finance, Turkey & Iran, Ericsson Telekomunikasyon
Hakan Oge, Head of Finance, Bozlu Holding
Murat Timur, Risk, Treasury & Corporate Finance Coordinator, Anadolu Group
Ugur Altintas, Finance Director, Cak Group
• Cheap money, low risk and increased working capital: Can the banks deliver what the CFOs want?
• Highlighting the transformation of financial processes and organisation within global MNCs: How is this impacting the local banking environment?
• What challenges are faced in replicating domestic financing structures when conducting transactions in foreign markets? Which alternative funding sources are companies looking to utilise?
• How does the panel feel banks are performing in addressing the main challenges currently faced by Turkish corporates? Is there sufficient understanding on both sides?
11.55 Laying foundations and providing support for export growth
Burcu Gökçe Yilmaz Akin, Specialist, Insurance Department, Turk Eximbank
• Examining Turk Eximbank’s public remit for the promotion of ECA financing and products
• To what extent is Turk Eximbank collaborating with private institutions to provide support for exporters and what role do multilaterals have to play here?
• Outlining the new emphasis on non-cash programmes and longer-term schemes: What opportunities are provided for the private banking sector by this shift in focus?
• Highlighting key geographies to support strategic diversification of Turkish export markets: Where are the best opportunities to be found at present?
12.25 Factoring: Maintaining growth in an essential industry
Moderator: Margrith Lutschg-Emmenegger, President, FIMBank
Karim Nasrallah, Chairman, Levant Factors
Yonca Sarp, Turkey Representative, London Forfaiting Company Istanbul
Filiz Unal, Secretary General, Turkish Factoring Association
Cagatay Baydar, General Manager, TEB Factoring
Betul Kurtulus, Assistant General Manager, Strateji Factoring
Umut Firat, Director, Commercial Underwriting & Distribution, Euler Hermes Turkey
• Counterparty credit worthiness: Factoring as a crucial liquidity tool for SMEs and new start-ups
• Highlighting increasing awareness and appetite for factoring: Is this trend likely to continue?
• Examining the impact of recent changes to factoring law and closer monitoring of the industry
• How are the factoring and trade credit insurance industries collaborating to increase product appeal?
13.15 Lunch
Stream A: Comparing risk and reward within Middle East & African trade (14.30-17.10)
Chairman: Eren Omacan, Head of Correspondent Banking, Yapi ve Kredi Bankasi
14.30 A view from the ground: Trading with the MENA region post-Arab Spring
Moderator: Muzaffer Aksoy, Country Manager & Chief Representative Turkey, ABC International Bank
Karim Nasrallah, Managing Director, Lebanese Credit Insurer (LCI)
Roger Tanios, Director, General Counsel, Indevco Group
Hazem Sherif, Corporate Treasury Manager, El Sewedy Electro-Meter Egypt
Ian Rogers, Regional Head of Business Development, Global Trade & Receivables Finance, Middle East & North Africa, HSBC
Scott Stevenson, Senior Manager, Trade & Supply Chain Department, IFC Istanbul
Balim Ipek Göçen, Head of Trade Finance Department, Odea Bank A.S. (Member of Bank Audi Group)
• Offering an overview of the growing importance of the MENA market for Turkish exporters and highlighting opportunities in the energy, infrastructure and construction sectors
• Profiling and assessing the stability of MENA’s political and social environment
• How are developmental institutions propagating FDI and facilitating Turkey-MENA trade?
• Assessing economic performance forecasts across the MENA region: How is this likely to impact appetite for Turkish exports over the coming year?
• Considering levels of foreign exchange risk when undertaking trade with the MENA region
15.20 Assessing the risk environment in sub-Saharan Africa
Jan Randolph, Head of Sovereign Risk, IHS Global Insight
• Outlining Africa as a potential driver of global growth: Opportunities in key markets
• Assessing risk and reward across the sub-Saharan region: Has the perception changed?
• Comparing commercial and political risk in Africa with other export destinations
• Which countries will likely be the growth hotspots over the coming years?
15.50 Networking break
16.20 Outlining the key trends, opportunities and challenges in financing African trade
Moderator: Michael Kenny, Partner, Watson, Farley & Williams
Rupert Cutler, Managing Director, Financial & Political Risk, Newman Martin & Buchan
Andre Soumah, Chairman, Ace Global
Selen Ozhisarcikli, Senior Trade Manager, Türk Ekonomi Bankası (TEB)
Kudakwashe Matereke, Manager, Trade Finance, Afreximbank
Hazem Sherif, Corporate Treasury Manager, El Sewedy Electro-Meter Egypt
• Which African markets and sectors are providing the greatest volume of Turkey-Africa trade? Profiling the goods typically imported from Africa and Turkish exports to the continent
• What are the potential hurdles facing Turkish banks when establishing credit lines with local African banks and how are they
seeking to mitigate risk?
• Negotiating the regulatory terrain: Highlighting the importance and practicalities of establishing local partnerships when moving into new markets
• Outlining some of the common challenges faced by companies situated both in Turkey and on the continent when doing business in Sub-Saharan markets
• What support is available to facilitate Turkey-Africa trade-flows and what role do multilaterals have to play?
Stream B: Highlighting various funding options for Turkish exporters (14.30-17.10)
Chair: Peter Hazou, Head, EMEA Market Management, Treasury Services,Bank of New York Mellon
14.30 Mapping Turkey’s export finance landscape
Moderator: Ralph Lerch, Head of Export Finance, Commerzbank
Lemi Albukrek, Director, Financial Engineering, Siemens
Marco Ferrioli, Head of Istanbul Office, Turkey and Middle East, SACE
Abdullah Alp Dündar, Senior Specialist, Medium Term Insurance Guarantee and Reinsurance Department, Turk Eximbank
Jan von Allwörden, Head of Department, Underwriting, Member of the Executive Board, Euler Hermes
David Lindström, Director and Head of Telecoms, Export Finance, Swedish Export Credit Corporation (SEK)
Tulin Inhan, Unit Manager, Correspondent Banking, Isbank
• How are ECAs now broadening their offerings in line with the current climate?
• Eurobonds and syndications: How effective are these in raising sufficient capital to support Turkey’s exports and at what price?
• How engaged are ECAs with smaller ticket business? Has there been a change in mindset in this regard?
• What measures are ECAs taking to engage more directly with companies? How might this conflict with the established bank-client dynamic?
• How can SME and mid-cap companies access the increased long-term funding needed for expansion?
15.20 Trade finance priorities of the Turkish chemicals industry
Yavuz Eroglu, Chairman, Sem Plastik
• Providing an overview of Turkey’s second largest export sector
• Outlining future expectations of the industry and its new export markets
• Highlighting the feedstock dilemma and its implications for the export market: How does this shape trade finance priorities?
• How are recent protectionist policies impacting on the funding of Turkey’s chemicals trade?
• Chemicals without feedstock: ‘It’s all trade finance’
15.50 Networking break
16.20 The application and implementation of Shariah-compliant structures within Turkish trade finance
Moderator: Muzaffer Aksoy, Country Manager & Chief Representative Turkey, ABC International Bank
Ahmet Kalafat, Senior Associate, Norton Rose Middle East
Mohammed Paracha, Head of Islamic Finance, Middle East & Africa, Norton Rose Middle East
• Outlining the real benefits offered by Shariah-compliant structures and the different options available to the Turkish market
• Looking East: To what extent can Islamic finance open new markets for Turkish exporters?
• Examining the potential of Islamic finance as an alternative source of liquidity
• Highlighting and overcoming some of the commonly encountered regulatory hurdles
• Comparing the viability of sukuk and murabaha for funding Turkish trade
17:10 Chairman’s closing remarks followed by evening drinks reception
Day 2
08.00 Registration and refreshments
08.55 Chairman’s opening remarks
Cihat Takunyaci, Country Manager & Senior Representative, Turkey, BNY Mellon
09.00 Global market trends and forecasts: What are the expectations for 2013?
Toygun Ozmen, Head of Trade & Supply Chain, HSBC Turkey
• Considering forecasts to be drawn as a result of market reports and confidence indexes
• Key market themes such as currency settlement and the increasing use of RMB in transactions
• Assessing ongoing economic developments in the East: What potential does China hold as a market for Turkish exports?
• How significant are the trade opportunities offered by relatively untapped markets such as those in Africa?
• What should corporates be looking for when undertaking transactions in the current climate?
09.30 Does there need to be a change in mindset to better serve the SME sector?
Moderator: Alper Nalbant, Unit Manager, Financial Institutions, Credit Europe Bank
Mehmet Omerbeyoglu, Manager, SME Finance Department, Directorate of Finance, Republic of Turkey Small & Medium Enterprise Development Organisation (KOSGEB)
Hikmet Kurnaz, General Manager, Credit Guarantee Fund of Turkey
Devrim Ziya Tavil, Marketing Director, SME Banking, Türk Ekonomi Bankası (TEB)
Daniel Bolschun, Principle Banker, Trade Facilitation Programme, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
• With many European banks withdrawing and local banks constrained do SMEs risk being left behind?
• Looking at how local banks are working to diversify their offerings: What is the full range of products available to Turkey’s SMEs?
• Do SMEs think that banks are too conservative in how they approach lending? If so then what needs to change? What role can non-bank actors play in this?
• Improving the quality of credit information available to banks and encouraging lending to private companies
• What role can structured and supply chain finance play in mitigating the risk of lending to an SME? Can clients be better educated on this?
• Are banks setting up more SME-specific units and what role can governments play here?
10.15 Vodafone case study: A supply chain solution for the telecoms industry
Moderator: Harry Charles, Turkey Trade Head, Citi
Zafer Sahin, Treasury Manager, Vodafone
Seyhan Gultekin, Payments Senior Analyst, Vodafone
Bart Ras, EMEA Supply Chain Finance Head, Citi
• Providing an overview of Vodafone Turkey’s in-country framework
• The challenge: Maintaining simplicity and transparency while on-boarding suppliers, improving balance sheet management and standardising documentary processes
• Highlighting the ways in which the in-house SCF programme addresses the risks within Vodafone’s financial supply chain
• Assessing the programme’s impact on Vodafone’s business success: Is this likely to be replicated in other sectors?
10.50 Networking break
11.30 Doing business in Libya: What do you need to know?
Moderator: Peter Gubbins, Managing Director, Exporta Group
Philip Patterson, Senior Research Analyst, ABC International Bank
• How has the Turkey Libya relationship developed in recent years in both political and commercial spheres?
• A wealth of potential: Highlighting business and reconstruction opportunities available across a range of industry sectors. How important a trade partner will Libya become in the short term?
• Assessing political risk in Libya and the likely impact of forthcoming elections on deal turnover: Is much expected to change? Which other risks should be considered?
• Charting the move away from service dominated imports: How significant a market will Libya become for Turkey’s manufacturing sectors?
12.10 Warehouse receipt finance: An innovative alternative?
Ertan Akbulut, Treasury & Risk Group Manager, Tiryaki Agro
• Comparing warehouse receipt finance with traditional secured financing
• Outlining the benefits provided by adopting such an approach: Which risks can be mitigated and to what extent?
• Highlighting some of the challenges faced when using alternative methods
• Examining key milestones and recent developments in warehouse receipt financing in Turkey
• Assessing the impact of recent warehousing regulations on the Turkish market
12.50 Assessing the significance of trade credit and political risk insurance in Turkey’s changing trade landscape
Moderator: Ozlem Ozuner, Chief Executive Officer, Euler Hermes Turkey
Necat Yüksel, Export Manager, Naksan Plastik
Deniz Veral, Executive Vice President, Burgan Bank
Sadullah Özdemir, Chief of Finance, GAP Textile
Ahmet Ali Bugay, Risk, Information & Claims Director, Euler Hermes Turkey
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